Government Agencies

Apelon creates semantic frameworks and offers interoperability guidance to national and regional government agencies in the US and around the world.

Some of the most important and cutting-edge work in health data sharing and standards adoption has come from government initiatives in the US and elsewhere. Governments have been able to make the case for interoperability more easily than many private entities, since the responsibility for improved health outcomes ultimately falls to the public sector. Implementing a semantic framework based on standard terminology and message standards can improve care and reduce waste, making the most of every taxpayer dollar, peso or pound.

In the US, we’ve worked for Federal Agencies including the Department of Veterans Affairs, National Library of Medicine, National Cancer Institute, the NIH Clinical Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and many others. Outside the US, we’ve been active in Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Rwanda, the Philippines and more.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help your agency leverage the power of structured vocabulary at the local, regional or national level.