DTS 4.7.2 Now Available

Apelon is proud to announce the release of DTS 4.7.2!

DTS 4.7.2 increases functionality for the DTS Editor application, DTS Browser, and includes new plug-ins and plug-in features. In addition to several bug fixes, DTS 4.7.2 continues support for HL7’s FHIR Terminology Service, adding several new updates for compliance with the FHIR R4 specification.

More information regarding the new features, performance enhancements and other updates to DTS can be found in our Release Notes documentation and our FAQ.

To download a copy of the new release, please navigate to the Software Downloads page at ApelonDTS.org. For a complete list of the new features as well as resolved issues and bugs, please see the DTS Release Notes and other documentation located in the Documentation Center.

If you have any questions regarding the new release, please don’t hesitate to reach out to log an information request ticket at www.servicedesk.apelon.com, or reach out to us directly at support@apelon.com.