Apelon is excited to attend the HIMSS 2024 Global Conference in Orlando this March! Want to connect face-to-face? Reach out to info@apelon.com and we will be excited to set up a meeting at the conference or offsite.
DTS 4.8.0 Now Available
Apelon is proud to announce the release of the newest version of DTS: version 4.8!
DTS 4.8 brings an expanded offering of supported environments to ensure compatibility and flexibility for our users.
DTS 4.8 introduces support for Windows Server 2019. Please be aware that Windows 2012 R2 Server will reach the end of support from Microsoft on October 10th, 2023. For databases, we are pleased to announce that DTS 4.8 now supports MySQL 8 and Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Regarding application server compatibility, DTS 4.8 introduces support for JBoss EAP 7.4 and WildFly 23. Several bug fixes have also been included in this release. Please refer to the DTS Installation Guide and Release Notes in our Documentation Center for a complete list of supported environments.
To download DTS 4.8 and take advantage of these exciting updates, please visit the Software Downloads page at ApelonDTS.org. For detailed information on the newly supported environments and issues resolved in this release, you can find the DTS Release Notes and other related documentation in the Documentation Center.
Congratulations, Jess Bota!
Apelon is happy to announce that Jess Bota, our Director of Content and Product Services, has been elected co-chair of HL7’s Terminology Services Management Group (TSMG). Jess has served as a member of TSMG since its inception in early 2022 and is looking forward to expanding her role.
TSMG’s mission is to “provide terminology-related services to support the efforts of HL7 participants and the overall HL7 mission to provide standards that empower global health data interoperability”. Jess is particularly passionate about supporting the Unified Terminology Governance (UTG) process for terminology maintenance at HL7. This process allows community-based submission and review of terminology change proposals while promoting terminology best practices.
TermManager 2.1 Now Available
Apelon is proud to announce the release of TermManager 2.1!
This version includes security improvements and enhances processing speed.
If you have any questions, please contact support@apelon.com.
DTS 4.7.2 Now Available
Apelon is proud to announce the release of DTS 4.7.2!
DTS 4.7.2 increases functionality for the DTS Editor application, DTS Browser, and includes new plug-ins and plug-in features. In addition to several bug fixes, DTS 4.7.2 continues support for HL7’s FHIR Terminology Service, adding several new updates for compliance with the FHIR R4 specification.
More information regarding the new features, performance enhancements and other updates to DTS can be found in our Release Notes documentation and our FAQ.
To download a copy of the new release, please navigate to the Software Downloads page at ApelonDTS.org. For a complete list of the new features as well as resolved issues and bugs, please see the DTS Release Notes and other documentation located in the Documentation Center.
If you have any questions regarding the new release, please don’t hesitate to reach out to log an information request ticket at www.servicedesk.apelon.com, or reach out to us directly at support@apelon.com.